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Anton Eyntrop

Anton Eyntrop

July 26, 2023 ・ Kubernetes

Kubernetes and DevOps: How they work together

DevOps has become an essential aspect of modern software development, helping organizations to accelerate their release cycles and improve their software quality. Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform, has emerged as a critical tool for DevOps, providing a range of benefits that help streamline the development and deployment process. In this article, we'll explore how Kubernetes helps DevOps teams deliver better software more quickly and efficiently.

Key advantages of Kubernetes

  1. Automating application deployment

Kubernetes automates the deployment of containerized applications, enabling DevOps teams to quickly and easily deploy new releases. Kubernetes simplifies the process of deployment by automating the configuration, scaling, and rollout of containerized applications, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than managing infrastructure. By automating the deployment process, Kubernetes reduces the risk of human error and ensures that deployments are consistent and predictable.

  1. Scaling applications on demand

One of the key benefits of Kubernetes is its ability to scale applications automatically based on demand. Kubernetes can monitor application usage and automatically add or remove containers as needed, ensuring that the application can handle high traffic periods without downtime. This scalability helps DevOps teams to ensure that their applications are always available and performing well, even during periods of peak usage.

  1. Ensuring application availability

Kubernetes provides built-in features that help ensure application availability, even in the event of node failures or other issues. Kubernetes can automatically detect when a node fails and redeploy containers on other nodes, ensuring that the application remains available. Kubernetes can also automatically load balance traffic across containers, ensuring that users can always access the application.

  1. Simplifying resource management

Kubernetes provides a centralized platform for managing resources across a cluster of nodes, simplifying the management of infrastructure. With Kubernetes, DevOps teams can easily manage resources such as CPU, memory, and storage, ensuring that applications have the resources they need to perform well. Kubernetes also provides built-in monitoring tools that allow DevOps teams to monitor resource usage and optimize their infrastructure for performance.

  1. Supporting multiple environments

Kubernetes is designed to be platform-agnostic, which means that it can run on any infrastructure, including on-premises, cloud, or hybrid environments. This makes it easy for DevOps teams to move applications between different environments without making significant changes to the underlying infrastructure. By providing a consistent platform for deploying and managing applications, Kubernetes simplifies the process of managing applications across multiple environments.


Kubernetes enjoys worldwide popularity, and it means it also enjoys fast feature development, quick bugfixing, plenty of integration options, and, what's most important, a flourishing community that has built a lot of extra functionality around Kubernetes over the years.

As an open-source project, Kubernetes can integrate with a wide range of other open-source tools and technologies, which can enhance its capabilities and provide additional benefits to users.

Some popular tools that can integrate with Kubernetes include Prometheus, Grafana, Istio, Helm, and Kustomize. These tools can help with tasks such as monitoring and alerting, visualization, service mesh management, package management, and customization of Kubernetes configurations.

Almost everything works out of the box thanks to aforementioned Helm and vast selection of quality-of-life tools that will help you get what you need even if there’s some manual work involved.


The Kubernetes community is a global community of developers, operators, and users who collaborate to build and maintain the Kubernetes platform. The community is made up of individuals and organizations from a wide range of backgrounds and industries, including cloud providers, software vendors, and end-users.

The Kubernetes community is known for its inclusiveness, transparency, and collaborative approach. Members of the community work together to identify and prioritize development efforts, share best practices, and provide support and resources to other members. This has helped to foster a strong sense of community and a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

The Kubernetes community is organized into several special interest groups (SIGs) that focus on specific areas of the platform, such as networking, storage, and security. These SIGs are responsible for defining and implementing new features, maintaining existing ones, and ensuring that the platform meets the needs of its users.

In addition to the SIGs, the Kubernetes community hosts regular events, such as conferences, meetups, and webinars, where members can share their experiences and knowledge, network with others, and learn about new developments in the platform.

You are always welcome to use a variety of support channels when searching for the solution to the problem.

Accessibility and ease-of-use

Although rich with command-line tools that can help you get exactly what you need at exactly the right place, there's a swath of more comfortable options for when you don't need surgical precision.

Kubernetes is a powerful platform for container orchestration, but it can also be complex and difficult to use, especially for users who are new to the platform. To address this issue, there have been efforts to improve the ease of use of Kubernetes, with the aim of making it more accessible to a wider range of users.

One of the key improvements to the ease of use of Kubernetes has been the development of user-friendly interfaces, such as graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and web-based dashboards. These interfaces allow users to manage Kubernetes clusters without having to use command-line tools, which can be intimidating for beginners.

Another way that Kubernetes has become easier to use is through the development of tools and frameworks that automate common tasks, such as deploying applications and managing resources. These tools can help to simplify the management of Kubernetes clusters, reducing the need for manual intervention and streamlining operations.

Finally, there has been a focus on improving the documentation and educational resources available for Kubernetes, with the aim of making it easier for users to learn how to use the platform effectively. This includes the development of comprehensive documentation, online tutorials and courses, and community support forums.

Kubernetes and DevOps

In summary, Kubernetes is a powerful tool that helps developers manage and deploy containerized applications with ease. It provides a rich set of features that enable developers to automate many of the routine tasks associated with deploying and scaling applications, freeing up time and resources to focus on more strategic tasks.

Kubernetes provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that enables developers to easily deploy, scale, and manage applications across multiple environments. It also provides a rich set of APIs and integrations with popular open-source tools that allow developers to customize and extend the functionality of the platform to meet their unique needs.

With Kubernetes, developers can enjoy greater agility, flexibility, and productivity, enabling them to develop and deploy high-quality applications faster and with greater consistency. It also helps to reduce the risk of downtime and other issues that can impact the user experience, improving overall application reliability and performance.

Having a good understanding of this technology is going to prove valuable when deploying high availability scalable services, so do yourself a favor and dig in.

  • Kubernetes
  • Basics