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Pavel Rykov

Pavel Rykov

August 7, 2023 ・ Kubernetes

Top challenges businesses face during Kubernetes migration and how to overcome them


Kubernetes has become the standard for container orchestration, providing a robust and flexible platform for managing containerized applications at scale. Despite its numerous benefits, migrating to Kubernetes can be fraught with challenges, especially for businesses with complex IT infrastructure and specific operational requirements. In this article, we will discuss the top five challenges businesses face during Kubernetes migration and offer practical solutions to overcome them.

Ensuring application compatibility

Challenge: Businesses often encounter issues with application compatibility when migrating to Kubernetes. Legacy applications and monolithic architectures are not often designed for containerization or orchestration, making the transition to Kubernetes challenging.

Solution: To overcome this challenge, organizations can refactor their applications using microservices architecture. This involves breaking down large, monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable services that communicate via APIs. By adopting microservices, businesses can ensure that their applications are compatible with Kubernetes, while also improving scalability, maintainability, and flexibility.

Managing security and compliance

Challenge: Kubernetes migration may introduce security risks and compliance challenges, as organizations must ensure that their containerized applications adhere to industry-specific regulations and security best practices.

Solution: To address security and compliance concerns, businesses should adopt a comprehensive approach that includes vulnerability scanning, role-based access control (RBAC), network segmentation, and secure secrets management. By integrating these security measures into their Kubernetes environments, organizations can protect sensitive data and comply with relevant regulations. This also would be beneficial for organizations seeking to meet compliance standards or have better internal controls.

Handling data persistence

Challenge: Migrating to Kubernetes can be particularly challenging for businesses with applications that require persistent storage, as Kubernetes was initially designed for stateless applications.

Solution: To tackle this challenge, organizations can leverage Kubernetes' built-in support for persistent volumes and storage classes, which enable applications to store and manage data across multiple nodes in a cluster. Additionally, businesses can choose from various storage solutions, such as cloud-native storage services, to ensure data persistence and high availability.

Managing infrastructure complexity

Challenge: Kubernetes environments can be highly complex, with a steep learning curve and numerous components to manage, such as nodes, pods, services, and deployments.

Solution: To simplify the management of their Kubernetes environments, organizations should consider adopting infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools, such as Terraform or Helm. These tools allow businesses to define and manage their Kubernetes infrastructure using declarative configuration files, streamlining the deployment and management processes. Additionally, leveraging managed Kubernetes services, like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), can help reduce the complexity of managing Kubernetes infrastructure.

Ensuring team expertise

Challenge: Kubernetes migration requires a solid understanding of the platform and its associated tools, and organizations may struggle with a skills gap among their existing IT teams.

Solution: To overcome this challenge, businesses should consider partnering with experienced and reliable Kubernetes consulting and professional services providers, such as Ivinco. With their deep knowledge and expertise in Kubernetes, Ivinco can guide businesses through the migration process, offering tailored solutions and support to ensure a successful implementation. Moreover, Ivinco can provide training and upskilling services to in-house IT teams, ensuring that they have the necessary skills to manage Kubernetes environments effectively.


Migrating to Kubernetes can be a complex and challenging process for businesses. By addressing the challenges of application compatibility, security and compliance, data persistence, infrastructure complexity, and team expertise, organizations can ensure a smoother transition to Kubernetes and unlock the full potential of container orchestration. Ivinco, as a trusted partner, can provide the necessary guidance, support, and expertise throughout the migration process, helping businesses reap the benefits of increased agility, scalability, and operational efficiency that Kubernetes has to offer.

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